9 Ways to Improve Security For Events

Event Security Tips.

Event security guards perform various duties to ensure impenetrable protection on a special occasion. Following are the core tasks of show and event security staff:

  • Check entry/exit points at a venue
  • Crowd control
  • Provide first aid
  • Handle emergency and hostile situations
  • Examine people’s behaviours to look for suspicious activities
  • Monitor a site through CCTV cameras for wide security coverage


As an event host it is your responsibility to assure the safety of your guests. Event security is usually ignored by event planners which means that it receives a relatively low share of the budget than it deserves. Top-tier event security guards may lighten your work and assist you in creating a venue designed for guest safety.

An event security officer must be able to maintain and control huge crowds, which is a difficult task that is made more difficult when alcohol is served on-site. Special event security preparation is a major task that necessitates a laundry list of distinct requirements and components to come together for any event to be considered successful.

Contracting with a security guard is one of the most critical parts of any large-scale event. Following are some of the ways to improve security for events:

9 Ways to Improve Security For Events

1. Inspection of the Venue

Before the big day, event security begins. It usually starts with a review of your venue layout with the security management team. The objective is to make decision-making as fast and effective as possible. Through preliminary risk assessment, an event planner like you will know the number of guards or security solutions required.

They must identify the entrances, emergency exits, platforms, bars, boundary fencing, and other potential security difficulties at this phase. We term it risk management at NSA Security.

The security team can make sound recommendations and contingency plans depending on your site and event facts. A comprehensive event venue audit will provide you with all the information you need to keep track of everything.

2. Ensure Visible Security Measures

The objective is to prevent threats from happening. It’s preferable if a potential agitator observes your security measures. Hiding or covering your security team throughout your event causes more harm than good. Agitators believe the event is unprotected and may decide to cause havoc.

In one instance, an event organiser placed metal detectors at the event’s gates but covered them with creative décor. As a result, many people attempted to enter with weapons. Fewer people entered with prohibited items when they revealed the metal detectors. Your attendees will feel more secure if your security crew and equipment are visible.

They are aware that you have engaged the assistance of people and devices to secure their well-being. They know where to go for help in an emergency.

3. Have Surveillance and Medical Assistance

The installation of CCTV cameras can assist your guards with monitoring and emergency prevention. Emergencies, accidents, and health problems such as food poisoning, allergies, or heat stroke can occur. Large-scale events will also benefit from having an expert medical team on-site. 

During event interruptions, injured people may require rapid medical assistance. Your medical team can then cooperate with your security staff to quickly handle such problems. Nevertheless, employ at least one security officer trained in first aid methods such as CPR. In addition, your security force should be familiar with the hospitals or medical centres nearby the event.

Also Read: How to Run a Secure Retail Business?

4. Hire Professional Security Guards

If you believe your security requirements are sufficient, you should plan for the hiring of security professionals. You may have confidence in your event workers, but the trained eye of a professional security team can be quite beneficial during a high-risk, overcrowded event.

Trained security guards can detect gaps in your security plan that you may not be aware of. They understand how provocateurs and troublemakers think, so they can help you prioritise your security measures for optimal outcomes.

If you don’t want to employ a professional security team, try hiring off-duty police officers. They’re trained for this and are legally permitted to carry a weapon.

5. Develop effective communication

The security team needs to stay in consistent communication. Ensure that each member of staff has a walkie-talkie. If you employ a professional security team, check that they communicate back and forth with your team.

All suspicious activities should be reported to the security team by the former. The outcomes will be better if everyone understands the safety measures and what to do in an emergency.

Before an event, security and non-security professionals should gather for a team briefing and assign a point person from the security and event teams designated for quicker information exchange.

Instruct them to report anyone frequently monitoring CCTV cameras, keeping an eye on security officers, or taking notes on the venue layout. An extra pair of eyes is necessary to keep a check on the guests.

6. Create Backup plans

Even with meticulous planning and preparation, unforeseen issues can arise. Even when everything appears to be proceeding well, things can go wrong. So, keep your spirits up until the last guest leaves and work with your event security team to create contingency plans.

After all, it is best to over-prepare and have a strategy for all potential hazards. Your emergency plan should include a wide range of scenarios. However, they should contain procedures for dispersing a crowd, locking down the venue, and communicating with employees during an emergency. Furthermore, discuss worst-case scenarios, such as bomb threats or armed intrusions.

7. Develop a robust event management plan

You will have an extensive action plan to assist the next event to manage the event risk effectively. Ensure you provide as much information as possible from the beginning to the end of the event.

It should contain operating times and contact information for all your on-site employees, suppliers, and service providers. Duties should be allocated to a competent, capable team aware of their obligations.

Also Read: Factors to Choose a Security Guard Company

8. Set up security checkpoints

Setting up checkpoints distant from the gathering so participants must pass through to get inside is among the most important ways to protect people from security threats. It compels agitators to approach security guards (or even your registration employees) far before they can cause any harm.

For example, instead of setting your registration desk outside an auditorium’s doorway, move it a few hundred feet away from the facility’s entrance. Moreover, ensure that anyone trying to enter without permission is halted before they can reach the crowd.

9. Include a staff list

One of the aspects of ensuring a safe event is keeping unauthorised people out. As a result, provide a staff list to your security team and front-desk employees. Assist them in becoming aware of who should be at the venue so they can quickly recognise people trying to sneak in. It is also essential to notify your guests about the pre-screening procedures to prevent confusion at the event. For instance, ask them to present visual evidence of accreditation or have their companions added to the official list well in advance.

Also, tell your security guards if your event will involve third-party merchants or external suppliers such as caterers and bartenders, lighting and sound technicians, etc.

Do you need expert event security resources?

You cannot eliminate all event security risks, but you may minimize the chance of them occurring. Planning, vigilance, and hiring a professional security service company are the keys to better security.

Agile Guarding Services covers many events as sports events, festivals, weddings and parties, to prepare unique event security plans for every occasion. We offer security guarding services, covering all your security needs, from corporate conferences and expositions to concerts and weddings.

Event security services are one of our core specialities as a security service provider in Bolton, UK. Our clients trust us to handle the security concerns so they can work on establishing a memorable occasion.

Contact us we will assist you in making your event, music festival, or product launch a smashing success!

Talk to an event security consultant now!

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